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Day 8 of #Recovery: We live in a country where it isn't ok for us kill in defense, but it's totally perfect for us to be killed just for not walking on the sidewalk, possessing candy, speaking our mind, and being a minority/middle class. If the outcome of standing your ground, or simply doing act's of defense or innocence will conclude in you being killed, then I say SHOOT BACK, It's the only logical option. The Jim Crow Laws are still so very much alive, the only difference with the modern Jim Crow Laws than the 19th Century laws is they don't have a southern barrier, they're now nation wide. We as US Citizens will NEVER have power in this nation, no matter how much voting, picketing, rioting, or petitions we get signed. They do what they want. They kill who they want. They get away with it all. #TheyDontCareAboutUs #ItsNothingNew #RacismLives #NoJustice #SadButTrue

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